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About Corvettes
More About Corvette Racing
The most prominent Corvette race drivers in 2000 are Billy Bob and Chuck Driver, both of whom recently set records in Daytona speed trials and in SCCA B Production National Championships. Billy hails from Madison, Wisconsin, and Chuck from Malad, Idaho. Watch these 2 carefully for promising finishes in the future!

About the Webmaster
My interest in Corvettes began when I was 16 and my dad took me to my first Daytona race and my first car show. At both events, Corvettes made impressive showings, coming in second in Daytona and earning the awe of spectators at the car show. Since then, I was hooked on studying Corvettes with the determination to one day own at least one. My dream's come true: check out my Photo page for pictures of my Corvette.

About the Webmaster

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